Do you feel like you'll never be fluent in English?
When I ask my students, "How many languages do you speak?" ... I'm usually amazed that most of them say, "Just one -- and a little...

Phrasal Verb #2: "Let's SET UP an appointment." The new video lesson is up!
I'm running a new series of short video lessons to teach you how to use some of the most common English phrasal verbs. Video #2 in my...

Why are Phrasal Verbs so Tricky?
Hi, everyone. You can now check out the fifth video in my new series of YouTube lessons on Phrasal Verbs! This one is called "We've...

Let's make a plan for your English success--together!
Did you know that I teach English lessons online, using Skype? I started a while ago because a lot of my students around the world had...

Learn to Use Past Simple and Past Continuous -- Really.
At the start of a lesson, I almost always ask my students this past simple question: "What did you do last night?" Whenever we describe...

Write it Right!
I love writing, and even if you think you hate it or believe you're terrible at it, I'm here to help you. Ever since I was able to hold a...

I'm doing a new video series on phrasal verbs! Check out "get over"!
Hi, everyone. I have just recently re-started working on my YouTube channel, which you can find by searching "Learn English with Susan."...

"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!"
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!” This English idiom is an old classic which means: “If someone is giving you a gift, don’t...

I've just published some student testimonials! Come see what my students say about my teaching.
It was more than 15 years ago that I sat for this photo (see me in the front row?), in my first ESL (English as a Second Language)...

"I've just lost my train of thought..." A Couple of Useful Speaking Tips.
Here’s my number one speaking tip: 1. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. I’m being completely serious when I say this. If you’re...